Hey all! We're holding class 3 of Play of the Hand today at 3:00. I know
some of you might be offline with family. *Please let me know* if you
won't make it so I can arrange the tables and breakout rooms before
class. :)
Here's the *Shark Bridge link* for today:
In a moment, I'll resend the personal Zoom links for the meeting.
Remember to use these nicknames for Shark, so it will put you in the
right seat automatically:
Name Shark Bridge Nickname
Allen York AllenY
Amy Muscoplat AmyM
Anne Sullivan AnneS
Gargi Upadhyaya GargiU
Gloria Sorenson GloriaS
Jane Callaghan JaneC
Jane Houston Jones JaneJ
Jean Wortman JeanW
Margie Grady MargieG
Noel Jeffrey NoelJ
Rosa Gutierrez RosaG
Sandy Marsh SandyM
Selby Winkler SelbyW
Xiaoyan Zhou XiaoyanZ
See you all at 3:00!
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>