Hi all, we have 4-1/2 tables right now! Jane's partner Jean is unavailable this afternoon, so if you'd like to play drop me a note please!

Saturday 12:20 Newcomer Pairs

Name BBO Name BBO
Glenn Jeanes gjeanes Cindy Fang cindyhfang
Allen York puddlefolk Noel Jeffrey Silverharv
Jim Barbour barbourjl Julie Barbour julie bar
Sara Shapiro rtadelis Beth Hollander blh2018
Edna Ulasewicz ulasewicz Christine Atkinson cqatkinson
Dean Wiese doubledino Nancy Wiese vivalaslam
Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz Ken Miller kgmbridge

Single Players

Name BBO

Jane Houston Jones jhjones52

The game will start at 12:20, so please be registered about ten minutes ahead if you can!

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog