Here's the list I'm expecting for the Newcomers game today:
Saturday 12:20 Newcomer Pairs
Name BBO Name BBO
Cindy Fang cindyhfang Glenn Jeanes gjeanes
Cory Brendel coryb Liza Billington lizabill
Dean Wiese doubledino Nancy Wiese vivalaslam
Drluce Uma Shrivastava umashriva
Helen Gaatz emmie10 Rebecca Thompson azilethomp
Jane Houston Jones jhjones52 Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz
Noel Jeffrey Silverharv Allen York puddlefolk
Mary Hayes svodette Betsy Michel bmichel62
Edna Ulasewicz ulasewicz Christine Atkinson cqatkinson
This game and the Open Pairs game at 12:30 will both be playing the same
hands. So there's a great opportunity after the game (about 3:00) to see
how the more experienced players bid and play the hands.
My favorite results listing (of the three available) is from The Common
Game. Results are posted there about 30 minutes after the end of the
game. All of our recent games are archived there, and you can find them
at this link:
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
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