If you're available to come out and play this evening, I'll be directing
and conducting the "after party" to go over hands at the All-Western
99er Nite Club tonight. Game time is 6:30. :)
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Hey, I hope you're all enjoying the All-Western 99er Club games at 6:30
M-Th. I wanted to let you know that I'll be filling in tonight for the
hand review after the game.
It's Silver Linings week, where the games pay extra silver masterpoints.
For these games they play 18 boards instead of the usual 12.
If you're not playing in the All-Western games yet, but would like to,
drop me a note and I'll get you on the friends list for the games.
The after-party will start about 8:30 at the usual Zoom link:
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Hey newcomers ... greetings from 7th Ave. & 56th St. in Manhattan. (The
Tesla has 3,700 more miles since June 5!)
I know you've all been getting the organizing emails for lots of bridge
games from Paula Olivares. None of them are like the newcomer games that
I was offering on Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon. I'm sure
many of you may have been playing in the All Western 99er Nite Club
games. Those should seem very familiar.
Paula is no longer sending those invitations to the newcomer list. That
doesn't mean you're not invited!
/If you are interested/ let me explain what's different:
Unit 556+ is running two types of games: Open and Limited.
* Open games invite all bridge players to come play, including all of
the best players available. They're a great way to see some really
good bridge, and discover that even great players make big mistakes.
* The limited games exclude players above a certain masterpoint
holding, 600 points in this case. The most experienced players (like
me, for instance) are barred from playing in these games.
For both of these games, there are other differences:
* Games are 18-21 hands (rather than 12).
* Less time is allowed to finish a round, usually 6-7 minutes per hand
rather than 8
* Players need to expect and be able to answer questions from the
opponents about their bidding system and carding agreements (usually
the right answer is just "standard")
* You'll often come across opponents who are /not/ playing Standard
American, and may have different defensive carding agreements
* Online convention cards, which disclose those agreements, are
required (that's easy to provide if you're playing standard).
Now if you find that intriguing, and want to take the next step to
playing (what some might call) real bridge, /let me know/ and I'll add
you to the main virtual bridge club mailing list.
Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
BridgeMojo <http://bridgemojo.com>
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers <http://otastro.org>
Mojo's Blog <http://mojo.whiteoaks.com>
Dear Unit556 and friends and family,
Tomorrow, Thursday, June 17 we have an open game at 10:15 am.
Below is the tentative reservation list. There are a couple of folks
looking for partners. Please send me any edits or if you want a partner.
Thank you,
Thursday 10:15 AM open game
Alan & Elliott N
Angela & Julie
Anita & Ruth
Avice & Lianne
Barbara & Sharry
Bill B & Temo
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn & Dominique
Deanna & Tomoko
Ernie & Lulu
Harry & David K
Jackie & Mike
Kathy S & Rand
Margaret & Jerry
Maria M & Tom B
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Debbye
Rae & Diana B
Sharon & Steve
Dear Unit556 and friends and family,
Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 16 we have a 0-550 game at 10:15 am.
Below is the tentative reservation list. There are a couple folks looking
for partners. Please send me any edits or if you want a partner.
Thanks to all who sent in their club bios. Attached is the latest draft.
Thank you,
10:15 AM Wednesday "0-550" game
Carole C & Julie T
Jackie & Harry
Jane A & Simonetta
Julie H & Lynn S
Linda D & Ruth R
Liz & Kent
Mike C & Steve M
Paulette & Terry
Tomoko S & David K
Uma & Olivia
Dear Unit556 and friends and family,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, we have
10:15 am 0-600 Limited game
6:15 pm open game
Below are tentative reservation lists. Please send me any edits or if you
want a partner.
Attached is the first draft of the Unit556 players+friends+family list. It
is sorted by BBO name so you can easily look up someone while playing in
our club. It is a draft. If you have not sent me your bio and would like to
be included in the update, send it in. If you want to revise your bio, that
is fine too, send me your revision. I hope you enjoy getting to know each
Thank you,
10:15 AM Tuesday "0-600" game
Aggi & David K
Carlos and Don Z
Carol T & Gary T
Eva S & Marianne N
Gay & May
Ginger B & John M
Glen D & Kerry G
Jane A & Simonetta
Linda D & Ruth R
Liz & Kent
Lora S & John T
Margaret & Jerry
Michael C & Steve M
Nancy G & robot
Pam R & Maria M
Paulette & Terry
6:15 PM Tuesday open game
Angela & Julie
Barbara & Tom J
Bonnie & Marcia
Carol A & Kristi
Ernie & Lulu
Harry & David K
Kathy S & Rand
Khushroo & Temo
Kiran & Avice
May A & Hani
Melanie & Bill
Mira & Ron
Pat L Debbye
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Rosalee
Tom L & Hanan
Dear Unit556 and friends and family,
Tomorrow, Monday, we have an open game at 12:15. Who wants to play? Who
wants a partner? Below are tentative reservation lists. Please send me any
edits or if you want a partner.
Thanks to all who sent in their club bios, I have received about 50, but
there are still 20 or so needed. I will send out a draft in my next email.
Thank you,
Monday 12:15 open
Anita & Aggi
Barbara & Tom J
Carol A & Kristi
Carol I & Susan Smith
Carol R & Paul R
Carolyn & Bill M
Cathy M & Diana B
Debbye & Pat L
Farryl & Jane A
Gay & May
Gwen & MaryAnne
Harry & Alan N
Jackie & Tom
Jan & Deanna
Judy T & Nancy G
Kathy S & Rand
Liz & Kent
Mira & Ron
Paula & Bill B
Ruth & Roy
Sharon W & Steve S
Sharry & Barbara Y
Steve L & Bud
Temo & Ramesh
Tomoko & David K
Dear Unit556 and friends and family,
We have two games tomorrow, Sunday:
12:15 pm 0-550
12:30 pm open (REDZ)
Below are tentative reservation lists. there are a couple folks looking for
partners. Please send me any edits or if you want a partner.
Thanks to all who sent in their club bios, my email is overflowing. Those
who haven't sent in a bio, please do so today if possible. I plan to update
the club membership directory and send it out soon.
Thank you,
12:15 PM Sunday 0-550 game
Carole C & Julie T
Caryn & Glen M
Jackie & Harry
Linda D & Ruth R
Lindsay & Jill
Lora S & John T
Lynn S & Julie H
Margaret & Jerry
Noel & Xiaoyan
12:30 Sunday Open matchpoint game
Angela P & Waqar K
Barb J & Tom J
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carolyn C & Cathy M
Debbye & Pat L
Ernie & Lulu
Genise & Ann McC
Jane A & Farryl W
Kathy S & Rand
Lisa & Cardon
Liz & Kent
Mira & Ron
Pam R & Sandy L
Roshen & Bill B
Sandra & Bill M
Sharon & Steve S
Dear Unit 556+ friends & family,
We will have an open game tomorrow Friday at 12:15 pm game (anyone can
We play TCG afternoon hands.
There is no game on Saturday.
The reservation list is below. Send updates or if you want a partner.
Paula Olivares
You may want to bookmark the results page
Friday 12:15 PM open game
Aggie & Bill M
Anita & Jackie
Avice & Kiran
Barbara & Tom J
Bob Mc & Dave W
Bud K & Steve L
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carolyn C & Bill B
Cathy M & Diana B
Harry & Alan N
Kathy S & Rand
Linda Y & Roshen
Mira & Ron
Pam R & Maria M
Pat L & Wayne
Rae & Gerry G
Ramesh & Temo
Ruth & Kathy F
Sharon W & Adam
Sharry & Beth
Tomoko & David K
Dear Unit 556+ friends & family,
We will have games tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday:
Thursday 10:15 am open game (anyone can play)
Friday 12:15 pm open game (anyone can play)
We play TCG afternoon hands.
The reservation lists are below (scroll down). I try my best to keep an
accurate reservation list, but I do need your help. Send updates or if you
want a partner. I have a 1900 mp player and a 200 mp player
needing partners for Thursday, and a 400mp player needing a partner
for Friday.
If you are new to our club would you send me two sentences about yourself,
please? I publish a member list with BBO name, real name, and a few things
about each person, It makes it fun and really feels like a group of
friends. I will send out the updated member list soon.
Paula Olivares
You may want to bookmark the results page
Thursday 10:15 AM open game
Alan & Elliott N
Angela & Julie
Anita & Ruth
Avice & Lianne
Barbara & Sharry
Bill B & Temo
Carol A & Kristi
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn & Dominique
Deanna & Tomoko
Ernie & Lulu
Genise H & Kiran
Harry & David K
Jackie & Mike
Kathy S & Rand
Margaret & Jerry
Maria M & Tom B
Mira & Ron
Pat L & Debbye
Rae & Diana B
Sharon & Steve
Friday 12:15 PM open game
Aggie & Bill M
Barbara & Tom J
Bob Mc & Dave W
Bud K & Steve L
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carolyn C & Bill B
Cathy M & Diana B
Harry & Alan N
Kathy S & Rand
Linda Y & Roshen
Mira & Ron
Pam R & Maria M
Pat L & Wayne
Rae & Gerry G
Ramesh & Temo
Ruth & Kathy F
Sharon W & Adam
Sharry & Beth
Tomoko & David K