Dear Regency Bridge Club friends and family,

We have completed 10 of our 12 weeks at the Glendale Senior Center. In two weeks, we may be eligible to return to the YMCA.

Please indicate 1 through 5.
1. Strongly prefer remain at Senior Center.
2. Remain at Senior Center
3. Undecided
4. Return to YMCA
5. Strongly prefer return to YMCA.

 You may also make comments. I will then circulate an anonymous summary of replies to this who voted.

I think most of us have an opinion on this, I simply want to seek your input, "for the record."

First a few points: 
  1. Card fees will be slightly higher at the YMCA ($8-9). However at the Senior Center we may have to pay $2 for parking over 3 hours if the Senior Center fixes their machine.
  2. Parking may be easier now at the Y. (They have been keeping the back gate to the parking garage open, so parking may be free and simpler).
  3. The Y does not yet have a working elevator, which will be needed for 2 or 3 of our wheel chair dependent clients.
  4. If we go back to the Y in mid August, we will have to leave again in June, until mid August. We then have no assurance the Senior Center will take us back.
  5. The Y has not decided if they will have us back, in 2 weeks, though I hope to know soon.
You are aware of other issues relating to air conditioning, room acoustics, smoking, bathrooms, kitchen, etc., natural sunlight, ease of setting up, fresh air.

Please note, this question will not be decided by a majority vote, but your input is valuable.

Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon. 

Adam Barron
Club Manager