Dear cherished members of the Glendale Bridge Community.

We are delighted to inform you that beginning Tuesday, July 6, our club will reopen for sanctioned, duplicate play.  Please read this entire email!!

Games Tuesdays at Noon - At this time we will have games on Tuesdays at noon. On July 6, we will evaluate whether there is sufficient interest to hold Thursday games too.

Do not bring food and beverages at this time - The center is not allowing food or beverages at this time while they await guidance from the LA County Health Department.  The exception is each individual may bring a bottle or thermos of water.  Canned drinks are not allowed.  No drinking cups will be provided.  Please do not bring any food or snacks.  It is essential that we comply with these requirements so that the senior center will allow and support our bridge games after the restrictions are lifted.

Card fees- Initially fees will be $3.00.  A $1.00 discount per person will be awarded for pairs who reserve by email by 6:00 p.m. the night before the game.  Please send an email to "" to reserve.

Partnerships- Adam will try to find a partner for you if you email and call him by 5:00 p.m. the day before the game.  Note that Adam plans to play in all games he directs and will not routinely give up his game to accommodate a player.

ARC membership- all players must renew or join the senior center the first time they play at the club.  The good news: If you were a member of the ARC when the facility closed you will be allowed to rejoin for no fee.  Forms for all players will be completed before play.  

Masking- per policy of the senior center masks are optional for players who are fully vaccinated. For the safety of all players, our club will not allow non-vaccinated players at this time. Please be sure to not attend if you have any symptoms of a cold, flu, or any illness and call Adam at (818) 869-4386 as soon as possible.

Please give us your feedback. Will you plan to play on Tuesdays or Thursdays at this time?

YOUR PRESENCE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.  We realize that the above restrictions are not optimal for enjoying a game of bridge.  However, your presence will help us establish our schedule and begin rebuilding. If you have any questions you may contact us by phone at (818) 869-4386 or email at "".

Finally remember parking, with validation, parking will cost about $3 in the adjacent pay lots. Park anywhere else at your own risk.

Very sincerely yours, with gratitude,

Adam and Steve (Licker)