



Unit 556+PPD Online Games

Online Best Practices badge
ABTA Master Teacher

New Double Dummy movie

The bridge documentary Double Dummy has been re-cut into a tight and gripping story about the American youth team competing for gold medals in China.

We have a wonderful opportunity to see the virtual premiere of the new Double Dummy starting September 29 free for 48 hours. Here's a link to catch the premiere.

The movie will continue to be available after October 1st as a fund raiser for the ACBL Educational Foundation.

Double Dummy Movie Logo

ACBL Intro to Bridge

The ACBL has developed a beginning bridge program to introduce new players to the game. The course was developed with Hall of Fame teacher and Grand Life Master Patty Tucker from Atlanta.

The one thing missing from the new program was a course schedule friendly to West Coast students.

I've been drafted to teach the course on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. starting October 6.

If you have friends who've thought about learning to play our fabulous game, let them know about the program! Here's a link with all the information and how to register for the course.

Bridge for Kids

ACBL Educational Foundation working with Seattle's excellent Bridge for Youth program is taking their online bridge program for kids national with BridgeWhiz. They have around 1,500 kids enrolled already in this free program!

I'm working with the team as Coach Mojo, and hoping to get started with my own group this October. This might be my most challenging teaching engagement so far!

If you know a kid who might want to give bridge a try, here's the link with information and a registration form. This is for kids in grade 4-12, and it's a 20-week free online program.


Virtual Bridge Games

Since teaming up with Paula Olivares, our virtual bridge club continues to offer great games on Bridge Base Online (BBO). Paula has been managing the Unit 556 + PPD club since June. I'll be returning to give her a break from managing the club for the last quarter of 2021.

For newer players, there's the All Western 99er Nite Club (PDF) with games Monday through Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Pacific time. These quick 12 board games are followed by a Zoom meeting to go over hands with great teachers from up and down the West Coast.

I'll be jumping in to direct and run the postmortem on occasional Thursday evenings.

Grab your favorite partner and play some bridge!

Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, and Dragon