



Pasadena Pomona Downey VBC

Online Best Practices badge

Conventions, Competitive Bidding, Opening, plus more Bridge 1

I have four upcoming classes that are open for registration, two through PCC Extension, one from BridgeMojo, and one from Bridge with the Monroes.

These are online, live, interactive bridge courses! Take advantage of the benefits offered from learning to play in a small group with a live instructor, using all of the best available tools for visualizing and practicing the game of bridge in all its aspects.

To see what it takes, technically, to join an online bridge class, see my page How to join bridge class online from

More class information is available at

Bridge 101

This is your first step to becoming a bridge player! Class starts in just a few days.

  • Six classes meeting Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:45-3:45
  • First session Feb. 1, last Feb. 17
  • Visit Bridge with the Monroes to join the interest list

I will offer another Bridge 1 - Introduction session for Tuesday evenings, starting March 23 - April 20. Let me know if you're interested! More information later.

Improving Your Judgement — Opening the Bidding

Add some detail and judgement to your opening bids. You'll learn why you might adjust your opening requirements when opening in different seats at the table, and more about opening strong hands, and weak pre-emptive hands.

  • Six Sunday afternoons, Feb. 7 - Mar. 14, 3:00 p.m.
  • $110 plus accompanying textbook
  • Email to to register

Popular Conventions

This course from the Bridge Basics series covers the most popular and useful bridge conventions used by expert players: Stayman, Jacoby Transfer Bids, Strong Two-Club openings, and Blackwood for slam bidding.

Competitive Bidding

Learn how a competitive auction adds new tools to help your side find its best contract, while obstructing the opponents from finding theirs. This course is from the Audrey Grant Bridge Basics series.

Saturday morning mini-lessons

Every Saturday at 9:30 I'm offering a 15-minute mini bridge lesson focusing on one small topic. Right now I am in a series of tips for declarer play. Taking advantage of the online format, I'm able to show visualizations of defense and declarer play that are very difficult in a live bridge club!

Best regards,